
(image for) Moss Phlox - Phlox subulata 1 gallon

Moss Phlox - Phlox subulata 1 gallon

Mat forming almost evergreen groundcover. Height is to 6 inches. Blooms late spring to early summer. The 3/4 inch flowers can be white, pink, rose,...
(image for) Partidgeberry - Mitchella repens 1 gallon

Partidgeberry - Mitchella repens 1 gallon

Evergreen, low growing groundcover. Height is 2 inches. Small white blooms in summer. Red edible (nibble) berries in winter. Likes sand or loam with...
(image for) Pigeonberry - Rivina humilis 1 gallon

Pigeonberry - Rivina humilis 1 gallon

Almost evergreen perennial groundcover. Height is usually 1-1 1/2 ft., but it sometimes reaches 3 feet. Pink and white blooms almosy anytime. Red...
(image for) Pony Foot - Dichondra carolinensis 4 inch or bare root

Pony Foot - Dichondra carolinensis 4 inch or bare root

Groundcover that is dormant during the hot dry summer. Prostrate creeping perennial that roots at the nodes to form dense mats in late winter and...
(image for) Purple Heart – Tradescantia pallida 1 gallon

Purple Heart – Tradescantia pallida 1 gallon

Perennial flowering groundcover. Height is to 8 inches. Purple tinged leaves. Pink flowers in summer. Full sun to part sun. Native to eastern Mexico....
(image for) Silver Pony Foot - Dichondra argentea 4 inch

Silver Pony Foot - Dichondra argentea 4 inch

Evergreen creeping groundcover. Spread is 3 to 4 feet. Greenish-yellow to white flowers May-June. Sun to partial shade. An excellent groundcover for...
(image for) Twinflower - Dyschoriste oblongifolia 1 gallon

Twinflower - Dyschoriste oblongifolia 1 gallon

Almost evergreen groundcover to 6-12 inches. Lavender flowers throughout the year, but heaviest in May. Full sun to part shade. Acidic, well rained...
(image for) Wooly Stemodia - Stemodia tomentosa 1 gallon

Wooly Stemodia - Stemodia tomentosa 1 gallon

Attractive silver leaved ground cover. Evergreen in mild winters and roots at the nodes. Purple 1/2 inch blooms April-November. Full sun to a little...
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