
(image for) Shining Sumac – Rhus copallina 5 gallon

Shining Sumac – Rhus copallina 5 gallon

Deciduous shrub to small tree. Height is to 25 feet. Brilliant red fall color. Red berries are eaten by birds and Deer, and can be made into a...
(image for) Rusty Blackhaw Viburnum - Viburnum rufidulum 5 gallon

Rusty Blackhaw Viburnum - Viburnum rufidulum 5 gallon

Large shrub to small tree. Height is to 40 feet. Deciduous with great fall color. Shiny leaves turn red, mauve, purple, orange, and yellow in fall....
(image for) Roughleaf Dogwood - Cornus drummondii 5 gallon

Roughleaf Dogwood - Cornus drummondii 5 gallon

Deciduous shrub to 10-15 feet. White, 3 inch across clusters of flowers in mid-spring. White fruit in early fall feeds wildlife. Great for erosion...
(image for) Rootbeer Plant - Piper auritum 5 gallon

Rootbeer Plant - Piper auritum 5 gallon

Large tropical shrub to 4-6 feet or more. White flower spikes can bloom at almost any time. The large leaves smell like root beer when crushed. They...
(image for) Red Buckeye - Aesculus pavia var. pavia 5 gallon

Red Buckeye - Aesculus pavia var. pavia 5 gallon

Deciduous understory shrub to small tree. Height is 10-20 feet, can reach 35 ft. Blooms red tubular flowers in mid-spring. Handles most soils, and...
(image for) Pride of Barbados - Caesalpinia pulcherrima 5 gallon

Pride of Barbados - Caesalpinia pulcherrima 5 gallon

Deciduous shrub with a height of up to 10 feet. Red flowers with yellow margins and red stamens. Branches and stems are somewhat prickly. Native to...
(image for) Prairie Flameleaf Sumac - Rhus lanceolata 5 gallon

Prairie Flameleaf Sumac - Rhus lanceolata 5 gallon

Deciduous shrub to small tree. Usual height is 10-20 feet. White clusters of flowers in mid to late summer. Red fruit in fall and winter feeds...
(image for) Possumhaw – Ilex decidua 5 gallon

Possumhaw – Ilex decidua 5 gallon

Deciduous shrub. Height is 12-15 feet. Red fruit in fall and winter, feeds many animals. Shade to full sun. Native to southern and midwestern states.
(image for) Possumhaw Viburnum – Viburnum nudum 5 gallon

Possumhaw Viburnum – Viburnum nudum 5 gallon

Deciduous shrub. Height is 5-9 ft., and the spread is to 5 feet. White flowers in late spring. Red to purple fall foliage. Shade to full sun. Native...
(image for) Piedmont Azalea - Rhododendron canescens 5 gallon

Piedmont Azalea - Rhododendron canescens 5 gallon

Deciduous shrub to 8-15 feet. Pink flowers in early spring. Leaves are oblong-obovate or oblanceolate, to 4 inches long. Likes moist, well-drained...
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