
(image for) Strawberry Bush - Euonymus americana 5 gallon

Strawberry Bush - Euonymus americana 5 gallon

Deciduous to semi-evergreen shrub. Height is to 6 ft. Leaves turn red in fall. Red fruit in fall and winter. Shade to part sun. Tolerates poor...
(image for) Swamp Privet - Forestiera acuminata 5 gallon

Swamp Privet - Forestiera acuminata 5 gallon

A large shrub or small tree to 30 feet. The leaves are elliptical or oblong-ovate. The fruit is a purplish ovoid-oblong drupe and is eaten by...
(image for) Sweet Pepper Bush - Clethra alnifolia

Sweet Pepper Bush - Clethra alnifolia

Deciduous shrub with a height of 3-6 feet. Very fragrant white or pink blooms in summer. Shade or sun. Likes acid soils. Native from Maine to Texas.
(image for) Texas Mountain Laurel - Sophora secundiflora 5 gallon

Texas Mountain Laurel - Sophora secundiflora 5 gallon

Large evergreen shrub to small tree. Height is 6 to 30 feet and the width is to 10 feet. Full to part sun. Purple, lavender, violet, or rarely white...
(image for) Texas Sage (Cenizo) - Leucophyllum frutescens 5 gallon

Texas Sage (Cenizo) - Leucophyllum frutescens 5 gallon

Evergreen shrub with a height of 4-5 feet. Can reach 8 feet. Silver or green leaved varieties. Violet, purple, pink, or white flowers in summer or...
(image for) Topel Holly - Ilex x attenuata 5 gallon

Topel Holly - Ilex x attenuata 5 gallon

Large evergreen shrub to small tree. Naturally occurring hybrid of American Holly - Ilex opaca and Dahoon Holly - Ilex cassine. Shape depends on the...
(image for) Tree Philodendron - Philodendron bippinatifidum 5 gallon

Tree Philodendron - Philodendron bippinatifidum 5 gallon

Evergreen, palm-like shrub. Height is to 10 ft. Shiny, many lobed, deep green leaves. White or greenish flowers. Native to Brazil.
(image for) Virginia Sweetspire - Itea virginica 5 gallon

Virginia Sweetspire - Itea virginica 5 gallon

Deciduous to almost evergreen shrub, to 3-8 feet. White 4 inch spires of flowers in May. The leaves turn shades of red and purple in the fall. Does...
(image for) Walter's Viburnum - Viburnum obovatum 5 gallon

Walter's Viburnum - Viburnum obovatum 5 gallon

A beautiful, evergreen shrub with white clusters of flowers in spring. The leaves are 1 to 2 inches and aromatic. The height is 12-20 ft., and...
(image for) Woody Pentas - Rondeletia leucophylla 1 gallon

Woody Pentas - Rondeletia leucophylla 1 gallon

Evergreen to deciduous shrub. Usual height is 3 feet, but in frost free areas it can reach 12-15 feet. Pink 2 inch clusters of flowers in late winter...
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