
(image for) Rootbeer Plant - Piper auritum 5 gallon

Rootbeer Plant - Piper auritum 5 gallon

Large tropical shrub to 4-6 feet or more. White flower spikes can bloom at almost any time. The large leaves smell like root beer when crushed. They...
(image for) Roughleaf Dogwood - Cornus drummondii 5 gallon

Roughleaf Dogwood - Cornus drummondii 5 gallon

Deciduous shrub to 10-15 feet. White, 3 inch across clusters of flowers in mid-spring. White fruit in early fall feeds wildlife. Great for erosion...
(image for) Rusty Blackhaw Viburnum - Viburnum rufidulum 5 gallon

Rusty Blackhaw Viburnum - Viburnum rufidulum 5 gallon

Large shrub to small tree. Height is to 40 feet. Deciduous with great fall color. Shiny leaves turn red, mauve, purple, orange, and yellow in fall....
(image for) Shining Sumac – Rhus copallina 5 gallon

Shining Sumac – Rhus copallina 5 gallon

Deciduous shrub to small tree. Height is to 25 feet. Brilliant red fall color. Red berries are eaten by birds and Deer, and can be made into a...
(image for) Skunk Bush Sumac - Rhus aromatica var. flabelliformis 5 gallon

Skunk Bush Sumac - Rhus aromatica var. flabelliformis 5 gallon

Deciduous shrub with slender, spreading, crooked branches attaining a height of 12 feet. Red fruit in August and September is eaten by people and...
(image for) Smooth Sumac - Rhus glabra 5 gallon

Smooth Sumac - Rhus glabra 5 gallon

Deciduous suckering shrub to 3-20 feet. The leaves are alternate and pinnately compound, with 11-31 leaflets, and turn red in fall. White clusters of...
(image for) Southern Wax Myrtle - Myrica cerifera 5 gallon

Southern Wax Myrtle - Myrica cerifera 5 gallon

Evergreen shrub with a usual height of 6-12 ft., but can reach 30 feet. Aromatic, light olive green leaves. Grows in most soils, including saline....
(image for) Spicebush - Lindera benzoin 5 gallon

Spicebush - Lindera benzoin 5 gallon

Deciduous shrub with a height of 3-10 feet. Yellow fragrant blooms in February before leaves appear. Red, glossy, spicy scented fruit in fall. Lemon...
(image for) Spicy Jatropha – Jatropha integerrima 5 gallon

Spicy Jatropha – Jatropha integerrima 5 gallon

Evergreen shrub to small tree to 3-10 ft. in height. Scarlet flowers almost year-round. Dark green oblong obovate leaves. May die back in cold...
(image for) St. Andrews Cross - Ascyrum hypericoides 1 gallon

St. Andrews Cross - Ascyrum hypericoides 1 gallon

Leafy, evergreen, glabrous sub-shrub to 1/2-3 feet. Yellow flowers from June- September. Brown branches and twigs. Usually found in sandy soils....
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