
(image for) Flame Acanthus - Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii 1

Flame Acanthus - Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii 1

Deciduous shrub with a height of 3-4 feet. Red blooms summer to frost. Part shade or sun. Native to Texas, in the Edwards Plateau and in Mexico. Also...
(image for) St. Andrews Cross - Ascyrum hypericoides 1 gallon

St. Andrews Cross - Ascyrum hypericoides 1 gallon

Leafy, evergreen, glabrous sub-shrub to 1/2-3 feet. Yellow flowers from June- September. Brown branches and twigs. Usually found in sandy soils....
(image for) Woody Pentas - Rondeletia leucophylla 1 gallon

Woody Pentas - Rondeletia leucophylla 1 gallon

Evergreen to deciduous shrub. Usual height is 3 feet, but in frost free areas it can reach 12-15 feet. Pink 2 inch clusters of flowers in late winter...
(image for) Wooly Butterfly Bush - Buddleja marrubifolia 1 gallon

Wooly Butterfly Bush - Buddleja marrubifolia 1 gallon

Evergreen or deciduous shrub to 3-5 feet. Aromatic 1/2 inch orange flower "balls" in summer and fall. The leaves are small, pale greenish-gray and...
(image for) Agarito - Berberis trifoliolata 5 gallon

Agarito - Berberis trifoliolata 5 gallon

Evergreen shrub with a usual height to 3-6 feet. Yellow fragrant flowers in early spring. It has red edible fruit from May to July that is good for...
(image for) American Beauty Berry - Callicarpa americana 5 gallon

American Beauty Berry - Callicarpa americana 5 gallon

Deciduous shrub that is very helpful to the environment. Bunches of purple or white berries from October to winter that are eaten by all sorts of...
(image for) Blue Duranta - Duranta erecta 5 gallon

Blue Duranta - Duranta erecta 5 gallon

Large, almost evergreen shrub to 18 feet. White, lilac, or purple flowers late spring to fall. Leaves can be green or variegated. Yellow orange...
(image for) Buttonbush - Cephalanthus occidentalis 5 gallon

Buttonbush - Cephalanthus occidentalis 5 gallon

Large deciduous shrub with a usual height of under 10 feet, but it can reach 45 feet. Leaves are ovate to elliptic-lanceolate, to 6 inches long, and...
(image for) Carolina Buckthorn - Rhamnus caroliniana 5 gallon

Carolina Buckthorn - Rhamnus caroliniana 5 gallon

Deciduous to almost evergreen shrub or small tree. Height is 12-15 feet, can reach 20 feet. Berries appear in fall, are red turning to black, and are...
(image for) Cherry Laurel - Prunus caroliniana 5 gallon

Cherry Laurel - Prunus caroliniana 5 gallon

Large evergreen shrub to small tree. Big, glossy, evergreen leaves. Black fruits ripen in fall and are eaten by wildlife. White 1-2 inch spikes of...
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