
(image for) Copper Canyon Daisy - Tagetes lemmonii 1 gallon

Copper Canyon Daisy - Tagetes lemmonii 1 gallon

Shrubby perennial with a height of 3-5 feet. Yellow flowers in fall and winter, sometimes year-round. Very aromatic foliage. Full sun and well...
(image for) Coral Plant - Russellia equisetiformis 1 gallon

Coral Plant - Russellia equisetiformis 1 gallon

Perennial flower with grass-like foliage. Height is 2-4 feet. Red or white flowers spring to fall. Full sun to part shade. Native to Mexico.
(image for) Coreopsis - Coreopsis grandiflora 1 gallon

Coreopsis - Coreopsis grandiflora 1 gallon

Perennial flower to 2 feet or more. Stems are leafy almost to the top. It is quite often grown as an annual. Yellow flowers from late spring to...
(image for) Doll's Daisy - Boltonia asteroides and B. a. var. latisquama

Doll's Daisy - Boltonia asteroides and B. a. var. latisquama

Short lived perennial. Height is 2-6 feet. White or pink flowers fall to frost. Narrow blue green leaves with a winter rosette. Likes full sun....
(image for) Dwarf Coreopsis - Coreopsis auriculata "Nana" 4 inch

Dwarf Coreopsis - Coreopsis auriculata "Nana" 4 inch

This perennial is almost evergreen and its height is 6 inches. Golden yellow blooms spring to summer. Sun to shade. Native from Virginia to Florida...
(image for) Eyelash Leaved Salvia - Salvia blepharophylla 1 gallon

Eyelash Leaved Salvia - Salvia blepharophylla 1 gallon

Flowering perennial to 12-18 inches tall. Evergreen, oval, glossy, leaves are edged with hairs that resemble eyelashes. It also has hairy purplish...
(image for) Fall Aster, Hill Country Aster - Aster oblongifolius 1 gal.

Fall Aster, Hill Country Aster - Aster oblongifolius 1 gal.

Fall blooming perennial to 2-3 feet. Aromatic leaves are 1-3 inches long. Flowers are purple to rose colored. Part shade to full sun. Native to much...
(image for) Fall Obedient Plant - Physostegia virginiana 1 gallon

Fall Obedient Plant - Physostegia virginiana 1 gallon

Perennial flower with a height of 2-4 feet. Pink blooms in late summer to fall. Native to much of Canada and the eastern half of the United States....
(image for) False Aloe - Manfreda virginica 1 gallon

False Aloe - Manfreda virginica 1 gallon

The thick, leathery, strap-like leaves, to 16 in. long, occur in a basal rosette around the 4-5 ft., upright, flowering stalk of this perennial....
(image for) Firespike - Odontonema strictum 1 gallon

Firespike - Odontonema strictum 1 gallon

Shrubby perennial with a height of 3-5 feet. Red flowers in summer and fall. Tropical glossy leaves. Dies back in freezes. Shade to full sun. Native...
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