
(image for) African Marigold - Tagetes erecta 4 inch

African Marigold - Tagetes erecta 4 inch

Annual with orange and yellow flowers. Reaches 18 inches in height. Aromatic, glossy, deeply incised leaves. Native to Mexico. Also sold in 1 gallon...
(image for) Angelonia - Angelonia angustifolia 1 gallon

Angelonia - Angelonia angustifolia 1 gallon

Weak perennial grown as an annual. Height is 1 to 1 1/2 feet. Purple, pink, or white flowers in spring and summer. Leaves are narrowly lanceolate and...
(image for) Black Eyed Susan - Rudbeckia hirta 1 gallon

Black Eyed Susan - Rudbeckia hirta 1 gallon

Annual to weak perennial flower. Reaches 12-36 inches in height. Yellow daisies spring and summer. Great bedding plant with many culivars. Dappled...
(image for) Bluebonnet - Lupinus texensis 4 inch

Bluebonnet - Lupinus texensis 4 inch

The state flower of Texas. Height is to 1 ft. Blue flower spikes in spring. Bright green leaves divided into 5 leaflets. Full sun. Native to Texas
(image for) California Poppy - Eschscholzia califonica 4 inch

California Poppy - Eschscholzia califonica 4 inch

Annual or weak perennial to 2 feet. State flower of California. Orange blooms March-May in the wild, but it can bloom throughout the year in...
(image for) Cosmos - Cosmos bipinnatus 4 inch

Cosmos - Cosmos bipinnatus 4 inch

Annual flower that can reach 5-6 ft. Crimson, white, or pink blooms. Feathery leaves. Native to Mexico. Also sold in 1 gallon pots for $4.75 each.
(image for) Creeping Zinnia - Sanvitalia procumbens 4 inch

Creeping Zinnia - Sanvitalia procumbens 4 inch

Mat forming annual flower to 4 inches high. Orange or yellow flowers and pointed oval leaves. Native to Mexico.
(image for) Dahlberg Daisy - Dyssodia tenuiloba 1 gallon

Dahlberg Daisy - Dyssodia tenuiloba 1 gallon

Annual flower to 1 ft. or less. Yellow flowers with a long bloom time and reseeds. Threadlike aromatic foliage. Excellent plant to put along rock...
(image for) Drummonds Phlox - Phlox drummondii 4 inch

Drummonds Phlox - Phlox drummondii 4 inch

Annual flower with a normal height of 6-12 inches. Spring blooms are red, white, pink, peach, or lavender. Dappled shade to full sun and sandy soil....
(image for) Fern Leaved Beggars Ticks - Bidens ferulifolia 1 gallon

Fern Leaved Beggars Ticks - Bidens ferulifolia 1 gallon

Annual to weak perennial. Height is to 3 feet or more. Bright yellow flowers and fern-like foliage. Native to southern Arizona and Mexico.
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