
(image for) Smooth Leaf Sotol - Dasylirion leiophyllum 5 gallon

Smooth Leaf Sotol - Dasylirion leiophyllum 5 gallon

Clumping plant with slender, spiny edged, basal leaves, arising from a short trunk. The leaves are rigid, linear and grow to 3 ft. long. Native to...
(image for) Texas Sotol - Dasylirion texanum 5 gallon

Texas Sotol - Dasylirion texanum 5 gallon

Yucca-like evergreen plant with small spines along the leaves. Height is 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 feet. Flower stalk can reach 9-15 feet. Yellowish blooms on...
(image for) Toothless Sotol - Dasylirion quadrangulatum 5 gallon

Toothless Sotol - Dasylirion quadrangulatum 5 gallon

This Sotol has unarmed leaves that are 1/4 inch wide, and up to 4 feet long. The plant can reach 6 feet in height and 9 feet in width. Well...
(image for) Wheeler Sotol - Dasylirion wheeleri 5 gallon

Wheeler Sotol - Dasylirion wheeleri 5 gallon

Sotol with a height of 3 feet. Glaucous leaves with small spines. Yellow bloom in May, June or July. Well drained soils, dappled shade to full sun....
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