Annual vegetable with triangular or ovate triangular shaped leaves. Curved, club shaped yellow squash to 9 inches long and 3 inches in diameter....
Tender perennial grown as an annual. Small 3/4 to 1 inch Tomatoes any time in warm weather. High natural sugar content give these small Tomatoes a...
Annual herb to 4 feet. Bright yellow flowers with 5 dark spots at base. Edible fruit is yellow to purple and to 2 1/4 inches in diameter. Main...
Fruit bearing ground cover with a height of 6-8 inches and a spread of 1 ft. White flowers and red fruit. Some varieties are everbearing. Hybrid of...
Hot pepper with a height of 24-36 inches. Usually green, but ripens to red, brown, orange, or yellow. 8,000 to 22,000 Scoville units on the heat...
Deciduous to semi-evergreen shrub. Height is 4-18 feet. Leaves are elliptic and 1 to 2 1/2 inches long, acute to obtuse, entire or serrate, dark to...
Deciduous fruiting tree with a height of 30 feet. Leaves are obovate to oblong to 1 ft. Purple flowers appear before fruit. The fruit is green,...
Frost tender fruit tree to 25 feet. Dwarf varieties to 3-4 feet. Glabrous leaves to 2 feet, are deeply palmately 7 lobed. Fruit is greenish-yellow to...
Slender, high climbing vine that can reach to 100 feet. Bears large fruit in small clusters. Purple or bronze and self-fertile varieties available....