Glaucous, glabrous perennial grass. Height is 4-8 feet. The inflorescence is a narrow panicle that is 12 to 15 inches in length and blooms from...
A grass-like or sedge-like perennial with needle-like points. Height is 2-3 feet. Coarse and rigid plant. Seeds and vegetative parts are used by...
Annual or short lived perennial. Height is to 3 feet. Leaves are scabrous or rough hairy to nearly glabrous. Yellow flowers from May-October. Good...
A common grass of seaside habitats. Height is to just over 8 feet and the spread is to 27 1/2 inches. Flower spikes are 6-75, tightly appressed, and...
Perennial grass to 5 feet. Solitary or in small clumps from widely spreading slender wiry rhizomes. Leaf blades involute or rarely flat. Once...
Fleshy, glabrous, trailing, perennial vine. Creeps to 60 feet long. Roots to 2 inches thick and 10 feet long. Rose purple blooms June to November....
Evergreen shrub to 8 feet tall. Leaves and branches alternate. Larger leaves are grayish green. White flowers in fall. Commonly found along fresh and...
Perennial flower of coastal marshes. Height is 4-6 feet. Pink or white blooms summer to fall. Sand or clay, acid, alkaline, or saline. Full sun....
Perennial grass to 15-30 inches with extensive rhizomes and stiff leaves. One of the most important plants in salt marshes. Occurs in slightly...
Shrub to small tree in frostless climates. Height is up to 20 feet, usually less in areas outside of its native range. Leaves are orbicular to 8...