
(image for) Adam's Needle - Yucca filamentosa 5 gallon

Adam's Needle - Yucca filamentosa 5 gallon

A nearly stemless Yucca with leaves to 2 1/2 ft. long. Margins of leaves with long curly threads. Nearly white flowers on long bloom stalk. Leaves...
(image for) Aloe Yucca - Yucca aloifolia 5 gallon

Aloe Yucca - Yucca aloifolia 5 gallon

Shrubby succulent. Height is to 10 feet. White blooms in summer. Sun or part shade. Native from N. Carolina to Louisiana, Mexico, and the West Indies.
(image for) Beaked Yucca - Yucca rostrata 5 gallon

Beaked Yucca - Yucca rostrata 5 gallon

An arborescent Yucca reaching a height of 6-12 feet. Develops a trunk 5-8 inches in diameter. White or sometimes purplish flowers. Leaves are...
(image for) Buckley Yucca - Yucca constricta 5 gallon

Buckley Yucca - Yucca constricta 5 gallon

A usually stemless Yucca that sometimes develops a weak, erect or semiprostrate stem to 5 ft. long. Plants occur singly or in clumps. Pale green or...
(image for) Louisiana yucca - Yucca louisianensis 5 gallon

Louisiana yucca - Yucca louisianensis 5 gallon

A stemless Yucca. Leaves are 1-3 1/2 ft. long and 1/4-1 3/5 inches wide, flexible and grass-like. Greenish to white flowers. Usually in sandy soils....
(image for) Ponytail Palm - Beaucarnea recurvata 5 gallon

Ponytail Palm - Beaucarnea recurvata 5 gallon

A slow growing evergreen tree. Closely related to Yuccas. Usually used as house plant or patio plant. Planted outdoors in tropical and subtropical...
(image for) Red Yucca - Hesperaloe parviflora 1 gallon

Red Yucca - Hesperaloe parviflora 1 gallon

Evergreen Yucca-like clumping plant. Actually in the Lily family. Height is 2-3 feet. Leaves and flower stalks can reach 5 feet. Coral pink blooms...
(image for) Soft Leaf Yucca - Yucca recurvifolia 5 gallon

Soft Leaf Yucca - Yucca recurvifolia 5 gallon

A Yucca with a leafy stem. Height is 3-6 feet. Leaves are recurved and pliable and at maturity are filiferous. White or greenish flowers on a...
(image for) Spanish Dagger - Yucca treculeana 5 gallon

Spanish Dagger - Yucca treculeana 5 gallon

Arborescent Yucca to over 10 feet. Leaves in a large symmetrical rosette, rigid, sword shaped to 39 inches long and 3/4 inch wide. Flowers are white...
(image for) Twist Leaf Yucca - Yucca rupicola 5 gallon

Twist Leaf Yucca - Yucca rupicola 5 gallon

A low growing Yucca without a visible stem. Single heads of leaves or sometimes a few heads together. The leaves are twisted, arching, few in number...
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